Monday, 5 November 2007

Western Isles

Left Southampton at 7.00pm and arrived roughly 12 and half hours later at Uig after picking up Hugh Price and Mark Payne. While waiting for the boat to dock we managed to see Red-Throated Diver and a Summer plumage moulting into winter plumage Great-Northern Diver with plenty of Hooded Crows around. Also we had a Golden Eagle which flew across the harbour just as we were docking the boat. Birds we had on the boat were 2 more Golden Eagles as we were going out of the harbour, 3 Pom Skuas, a few arctic Skuas and not much else.Once on the Island we went straight to the Mourning Dove to find that it hadn't been seen for 25 mins so we then had a scan of the nearest loch which held lots of wildfowl which included Whooper Swans and we managed to find the R-n Duck. We then had to wait a full 1 hour and half to get our first glimpse of this beauty but it didn't stay long. Then we went round the island to look for the Arctic Redpoll but no such luck but we did find a large flock of Barnacle Geese which Mark searched through but couldn't find the Lesser Canada goose like Archie Archer did.Later that afternoon we went back and had another look at the Mourning Dove which was then showing extremely well down to 20ft.We then spent the rest of the evening in the Dearg Hotel sinking a few Beers and having a good old chat.The next morning we were up nice and early and we wandered around the immediate area looking at all the bushes trying to find something, the best was a Brambling which was flying around and a Black guille flew out of the harbour. We went and had a quick look at the Mourning Dove and the Ring Necked Duck and here thrushes were plentiful. Then we headed back to the Boat.The boat journey back was alot more productive with Arctic Skuas, 3 Poms, 4-5 Stormies and a Little auk all being seen. We also heard that some other people had Grey Phal and Leach's Petrel.Once back a Uig we had another Black Guille and 3 more Golden Eagles but the Best bird on the way home was a pair of adult White-Tailed Eagle's which flew over the Mountain tops near to the twon of portree Harbour.So all in all a great trip with some top birds and also some good company. We arrived home at 4.15am this morning.

Click the link below to see the pictures from this trip.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Hi Lee,
I added a link to your blog to my web site. - hope this is OK, contact me if not.
Glad you saw the bird - you got some great pictures!