Friday, 16 November 2007

Walpole Park

Yesterday I went to work with my Dad and luckily he was working right next to Walpole Park so I took this oppotunity to go and photograph the Ring Billed Gull. I arrived at Walpole at half 8 but couldn't find it on the boating lake so after about an hour of waiting I decided to go to Haslar Creek as all the gulls were on the grass eating some bread and sure enough there he was however he flew back out into the Creek so I didn't get any pics. I then decided to head back and tell my Dad the news.

After a well earned tea break I set back out to Walpole Park at about half 11, I then had to wait a full 3 hours for the bird to reappear but this time it was on the lake and showing extremely well down to about 20ft. After getting some pleasing shots of the gull on the water I wanted to get some action shots as the light was good and the sky was blue so I nipped over to the nearby Iceland and got some ham and bread.

At first the bird wasn't interested but as the feeding got more frantic it soon couldn't resist and it was then squabbling with the Black Heads and Commons. Therefore it allowed me to get some really good pics of it in flight. Other birds photographed were Mute Swan, Tufted Duck, Black Headed Gull, Common Gull and Little Egret which all allowed a close approach.

After a total of about 5-6 hours at this site during the day my Dad joined me at 3pm after a hard days work to watch the Gull in the fading sunlight.

Click the link below to see pics of the Ring Billed Gull and more. Trust me there are some good pics on there.

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