Sunday, 16 December 2007

Red Necked Grebe

Yesterday My Dad and I went down to little Anglesey Lake, Alvestoke to have a look a the recent Red Necked Grebe which we haven't previously had one in Hampshire and when we have had one elsewhere in the UK the views have been poor. However this bird was no more than 100m away st the max distance and it came to about 30m away from the car. I managed to get some half decent shots but the light was poor so hopefully this bird will stay and make it into summer plumage. Other birds seen on the small lake were 4 Red Breasted Mergansers but we didn't see the pair of Goldeneye that were there the same as us.

Red Necked Grebe taken at Little Anglesey Lake

Red Necked Grebe again near Alvestoke

Red Necked Grebe siz comparison with Black
Headed Gull

Red Breasted Merganser taken at Little Anglesey

Click them for larger images

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