Saturday, 22 September 2007

Shelford, Nottinghamshire

This morning my Dad and I made the 2 and a half hour journey up to Shelford, Nottinghamshire for the juvenile Long-Tailed Skua that had been present the week before. On arrival the bird was distant feeding on insects etc apart from a couple of times where it flew up past the crowd giving excellent views. Whilst waiting for the Skua to give a better view and allow a photo opportunity we found a very confiding Wheatear.
And finally the skua landed near to the path allowing time for a photograph and a nice view, we then left for home at about 5.45pm with some pleasing photos.

Wheatear in the same field as the LTS.

Long-Tailed-Skua in serach of food

juv Long-Tailed-Skua
Juv Long-Tailed-Skua

Juv Long-Tailed-Skua
Juv Long-Tailed-Skua
Click them for larger Images

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