My Dad and I left Southampton at around 5.15am arriving at Elmley Marshes RSPB at 7.15am. We came here in search of the one thing, a Long Eared Owl that had been present the week before in the orchard.
On arrival we quickly found ourselfs looking at a stunning hobby perched in and oak tree, closer inspection then revealed a Barn Owl sat in the box. Further up the track we found yet another Owl, this time in the form of a Little Owl which was again in the oak trees. (not bad for 15mins birding).
A few minutes later we found it, a superb Long Eared Owl perched in a hawthorn in the orchard.
After a few photos of the LEO we moved up to the hides which was an exhausting walk to say the least, at the hides there wasn't much of note except 2 Spotted Redshanks, 4 Common Sands, 1 Green Sand, 2 Avocets and a few Ruddy Ducks.
We then scanned the Swale in search of an Osprey which had also been present the day before, within 5 mins of searching we found the Osprey hovering over the estuary in search of fish. Shortly after it was joined by another Osprey and they continued to fly up and down the Swale in search of food.
Then we made the dreaded hike back to the car and had a well earned lunch break.
After this we returned to where the LEO was roosting to see if it had woken up and if the photos could be improved and we wasn't wrong. It had woken up and was preening for quite some time.
In the field behind we noticed loads of Yellow Wags mostly juvs but there was some smashing adults mixed in. Also we found a Spotted Flycatcher that was sat along the fence row and it was unusualy tame allowing me to get within 10ft of it.
We then went home arriving back at Southampton at 5.30pm.
The Long Eared Owl that was present in the orchardThe tame Spotted Flycatcher that allowed a close approach.Two Ruddy ducks that we saw around the reserve.Hirundines were plentiful including this young Swallow.Yellow Wagtail that was present in the fields behind the orchard.Click them for larger photos.